Oak + Elm


We focus on communications, so pastors can focus on their communities.

What We Do

Our communication approach will give time back to you and your staff, to reignite the connection between your church and your community.

Church Branding


Website Design




Website Updates


Visitor Welcome Packet


Social Media


Visitor QR Code


Church Branding 〰️ Website Design 〰️ Newsletter 〰️ Website Updates 〰️ Visitor Welcome Packet 〰️ Social Media 〰️ Visitor QR Code 〰️

Never pay for something you don’t need

Want to learn more?

The needs of the church community are in constant flux. Each day, new and innovative social media and community platforms emerge. Let us design a strategy that harnesses all communication channels to seamlessly meet the evolving needs of your community.

Re-shape your communication strategy

By partnering with us, pastors can reclaim their time to be with their people, instead of being in front of a computer, focus more time on being a pastor to your congregation instead of worrying about what's on your website or what's going out over email.

With the partnership you need

Our partner churches will gain access to the tools, strategy, and expertise necessary to establish and maintain timely and consistent communication within your community. This ensures that your community will remain well-informed about all church activities.

And the communication your community is asking for

We empower pastors by reclaiming their time, allowing them to dedicate themselves to their community. Great communication with your congregation is one of the key factors of participation, retention, and happiness within a church. Our offering is simple yet impactful – a comprehensive done for you - communication package personalized for your church.

Our goal is to keep every community member informed and connected to the events and initiatives within the church, while taking that task off of the shoulders of a pastor.

Our Mission

What Makes Us Unique?

Our intimate knowledge of churches stems from our years of working within them. We have experienced firsthand the transformative power they hold and the profound impact they can make on individuals and communities. This has allowed us to understand the diverse needs and aspirations of churches, and to appreciate the significance of their work.

We have collaborated closely with churches of varying denominations, sizes, and cultural backgrounds. This exposure has provided us with a comprehensive perspective on the many facets of church life, enabling us to tailor our approach to meet the specific needs of each unique congregation.

Custom Package

Unleash the potential of personalized church communications and empower your ministry with a package as unique as your community.